Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Running Frustration

Since April I have been running about 3 times a week to start training for the VA Beach Rock & Roll Half Marathon Labor Day weekend. Prior to this I didn’t run. I would only run during flag football games and soccer games, or when I had to do my PT Test for the Air Force each year. Beyond that – running was something I did not do.

For me, running is boring, mindless. I am unable to stay interested in running a distance. Running while playing sports though has more of a focus, it is exciting and interesting for me. So when a coworker challenged me to train for a half marathon I knew I would have to face and tackle my despise of running head on.

With a positive attitude I accepted the challenge, and thought ahead to how I would be feeling and looking physically after a few months of running 9-12 miles a week.

Then discouragement set it….not only was I not seeing some weight come off, I was not seeing any toning/definition. I was seeing the exact opposite! I had put on weight and put on inches. I couldn’t and still can’t understand what is going on. I am exercising more, eating healthier and putting on weight and inches. I find something very wrong with this picture….


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