Sunday, March 02, 2008


This weekend was the first weekend of not zoo training class but practical application. One of the mentors was kind enough to meet me today even though it wasn't her normal weekend to come in. But she did, and we worked on the 'beginning' level snakes. These include the corn snake, ball python, and a sand boa.

Overall I spent an hour working on getting comfortable holding 5 different snakes. By the end of the day I was definitely a little bit more comfortable but I still get nervous is they are very active or their head gets too close to my chin. But that's to be expected. :)

My neighbor Keri,has a ball python, JB, and when I got home she called me over because she had JB out of her enclosure. So I brought Harry Potter over (I'm reading it to her), and saw her snake. It was so funny just draped over her shoulders with its head resting on the table. It sat like that for a few minutes and even though I KNOW snakes can't hear (they feel vibrations) - I swear JB heard me. I was watching her rest her head on the table and said out loud "its OK if you come over this way, I'll say hi". And sure enough....she started moving across the table towards me.

Keri was very good in making sure I was comfortable when JB got close to me. I was good and as JB tried to get off the table I re-directed her and eventually picked her up. I was so proud of me, and I know Keri was proud of me too! First time she told me she had a snake I freaked out. But now, here I am handling them. Got to love it.


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