Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to send Thanksgiving wishes out to everyone. I know I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Here are just a few reasons:
- I live in a country where we have peaceful elections to choose our next leaders
- That we CAN choose our leaders
- That I have a job supporting and defending this great nation of ours
- I have money to put food on my table and gas in my car
- Extra time that I can use to further my education and volunteer at the zoo
- My sister, to take care of my house and dog when I deploy for six months
- My friends. They keep me whole, sane (sort of), and they are always there for me during the ups and down
- and My family. My parents have always been supportive and there when I need to talk.
A friend sent me this great e-mail about thanksgiving and what and why you should be thankful I thought I'd pass it on.

The mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
The taxes I pay because it means I am employed.
The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
The space I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
My huge heating bill because it means I am warm.
The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
The piles of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.
Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive.
The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I’m alive.
Getting too much email that bogs me down but at least I know I have friends who are thinking of me.
The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life…
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!


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