So, I was suppose to go to NYC for my birthday with my friend Kristi, but thanks to the hurricanes it had to be delayed. Finally it looked like it was going to happen...but guess rained the entire time. I don't know if it was a result of Hurricane Kyle or just insane rain and weather that was passing throug NYC. Either way it slightly disrupted the trip.

We made it to NYC!!!!
Flight was a little delayed leaving Newport News into New York but we managed to get up there and Kristi and I took a cab to our hotel. My sister was able to get us the friends and family discount since she works for Hilton. So we stayed at the Hilton on 6th Ave and 53rd St...about 5 blocks from Central Park, 4 blocks from Rockerfeller Center. Beautiful hotel in a great location.
Saturday it was misty & drizzly part of the day...Sunday was pouring rain.
Saturday Kristi and I started off hopping on the subway to lower Manhattan. We walked around Chinatown, down to where the World Trade Centers were and over to Wall St.

Site of former World Trade Center

We then hopped back on the subway and went to the garmet district, Mood (fabric store seen on Project Runway), over by Macy's on 34th St and over to the Empire State Building. Sadly visability was ZERO so we did not go up to the observation deck. Then quickly over to Time Square.

Back to the hotel to get all dolled up for .......Phantom of the Opera. OMG it was a fabulous performance. Goosebumps!

Sunday there was even more rain. We went to the NBC studios and did the NBC Experience tour. We went onto the set of NBC Nightly News, Conan O'Brien Show, AND Saturday Night Live. It was so cool to see the sets/props that were used not 12 hours before! With visability at the Empire State Building still zero we went to central park...over to the main fountain where many movies have scenes at the location

...For all the Battlestar Galactica Fans!
...Central Park...recongnize this fountain from the movies....
With the rain picking up and now not sprinkling but POURING we decided to try and catch another Broadway show...why not...catch a matinee at 2 and that gives us enough time to get back to the hotel, grab our bags and cab it back to the airport.
What broadway show did we see....LEGALLY BLONDE. It was so much fun!

omigod it was wonderful!!!!
I did try both times to talk Kristi into taking the subway to and from the airport but she prefered taking a we did! Always a great way to see the city.
And yes, with the weather being what it was...our flight home was delayed. But made it home safely we did and had a great weekend in NYC.