Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

And a chilly one it is here in Hampton. Started the morning doing a 5K fun run. I did dress up as a whoopee cushion and to my surprise won the best costume award. Woo Hoo!!!

I'll post the picture soon.

I hope everyone gets more treats than tricks!

Be safe & have fun.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gas Prices

I love how the gas prices keep falling and falling and falling. I'm sure you do too! I remember back after we hit the all-time high, Congress went on recess then gas prices started dropping. I forget which late night host said it but he made a comment about how as soon as Congress left DC the price of gas began to drop.

Here in Hampton, by my house, I filled up tonight for $2.29 a gallon. I can't even remember hwat the high was down here. I know we cam very close and maybe just went over $4.00 for regular unleaded.

Does anyone think we will see gas UNDER $2.00 a gallon???

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Urgent Care

Yesterday was not a great day. Started off feeling uncomfortable but I had an appointment to get my flat tire looked at and fixed. Got some food on the way and spent two hours in their waiting room. Ended up having a cut/slice in the side of the ended up having to buy 2 new tires.

While there I started feeling really light headded and dizzy. Once I was at home, I parked myself on the couch. What was weird, as I was laying down I kept feeling dizzy and as though I was swaying. Anytime I had to get up and walk I would be completely out of breath.

So with this happening all day...I finally decided around 3:30 to call the nurse's line to see if this might have been the result of my surgery (a week ago) or from the new medicine I'm on. The nurse said what I was experiencing was not normal and I needed to go into the urgent care center (the base hospital's equivilent of an ER).

I am very fortunate to have some good friends in the area who drove me back and forth. Once there the doctor's biggest concern was the potential of blood clots as a result of the surgery. So after having an IV, blood taken, everything started coming back as normal. Not anemic, no signs of infection, not dehydrated, but one test came back that signified potential for blood clots. Next up - the CT Scan....came back normal.
The doctors think that more than likely it was just my body having a crazy moment. After spending 6 hours at the hospital I got home last night at 11:15 and off to bed.
So the game plan for today....If no dizziness occurs...complete the one other errand I didn't get to yesterday....the grocery store. I have NO food at home!

Monday, October 13, 2008

car trouble

Worried is the word for today. Yesterday I ventured out of the house and went to a post-triathlon party in VA Beach. It was a great to see my coach and teammates. However, on the way home I ended up getting a MAJOR flat tire. I pulled into a 7-11 and thankfully found some nice people to help me change the tire.

So I called the car dealership today about bringing the car in to get the tire checked out and if needed replaced. I love for one new tire it will cost about $115.00. I so don't need this today. I've had "flat tires" before...but always have been able to get to the shop to get the nail, screw or whatever pulled and plugged. This was the first time that I had a completely dead tire and I have no idea why.

I looked at the tire and didn't see any screws/nails/anything so I have no clue what is going on.

This is just another one of those things I don't need to be happening right now. I'm just hoping that they can fix my tire and I don't have to buy a new one.